Known as a destination to chase the Aurora Borealis, Fairbanks has a nine-month season with ample opportunity to see the magical lights of our northern skies!
A typical Aurora Season runs from August 21st through April 21st, and we want to help set you up for success to see this natural wonder. Vibrant color flashing through the sky.
Banners of radiant hues waving to anyone or anything that may be fortunate enough to witness. Nature’s light show inviting us to come and see what it has to display here in Fairbanks.
Here are some tips we’d recommend as you plan your journey:
- Check the Predictions: Since Fairbanks sits under the Auroral Oval, an area with concentrated northern light activity, the Geophysical Institute has found a home at the University of Alaska Fairbanks where they track geomagnetic energy. Follow this link to see daily predicted aurora activity:
- 3 Day Minimum: If you want a 90% chance of seeing the lights, stay in Fairbanks for at least three nights. Be sure to go out and actively view the skies each night! Experts suggest four to five nights are the most ideal for watching the skies.
- Keep your eyes on the skys: If you want to join the ranks of the most dedicated sky watchers, we recommend staying out from 10pm-3am. Of course, the longer you’re out the more likely you’ll see something, so all-nighters are always a good option. However, if all-nighters are not for you, having people in your group post 2 hr. shifts throughout the night can work. Just make sure they wake you up when see something!
- Clear, Dark Skies: For the most fantastical displays, seek out clear and dark skies. While we all know weather can be unpredictable, Fairbanks commonly has clear skies during the Aurora Season. And while you can see the lights from downtown, it’s best to drive a few miles out to really eliminate any excess light clouding the sky.
- Hang with the Experts: Spend the evening chasing lights with a tour or stay at an indoor viewing location and wait (and hope!) for the lights to appear. While you can always seek out the lights on your own, finding local experts to show you the way is always a good idea.
- Tech Helps: If you like being strategic, or need to up your game, we recommend checking out these apps as you prepare for your night with the lights.
The beauty of Fairbanks is that you can head in any direction to see the lights. Whether you’re looking for a mountaintop A-frame, cozy cabin, treehouse, mansion or lodge, Find a place that is going to suit your groups adventure large of small With that, we hope these tips serve you well, and may the lights be ever in your favor!